Framing Sequence [HEDCSP #1]
When the framing sequence was included in the Harlan Ellison's Dream Corridor Special, Second Edition it is adjusted slightly because of the changes in the contents for the second edition. The sixth page, which features an introduction to the bound-in poster featuring art by cover artist Jill Bauman, features all new dialogue in the lower-right panel, making reference to having "lost" the Bauman paintings. The final page of the sequence, which leads into the Story Behind The Cover, discusses how the story will be continued in the first "regular" issue. In the second edition the dialogue has been changed so that HE discusses the printing of the complete story and featuring the Whelan art on the back cover.
Because of the alterations to the content and order of content in Harlan Ellison’s Dream Corridor Special (Second Edition) Ellison’s dialogue is changed slightly in two places: immediately after the point where, in the first edition, the Jill Bauman poster was inserted and in the last panel before “Midnight In The Sunken Cathedral”. "Midnight In The Sunken Cathedral,” originally serialized between the Special & Harlan Ellison’s Dream Corridor #1 is published in it’s entirety in the Second Edition and the two illustrations by Jill Bauman, originally included as a poster insert, are published between “Midnight” and a new interview with Ellison.